About me

I am Aswathy Ragesh, an avid reader, an Engineer, nature lover, and photo snapper with an immense passion for writing and creating content. Now, I am a full-time Copy and Content Writer exploring various horizons to provide value-added, detail-oriented, quality content for all the fellow readers out there.

When You Fail

Sometimes, though we put out all our efforts, we may have to face failures unexpectedly. This may gradually lead us to a state of devastation that keeps us stressed in our thoughts. Well, we have to realize certain things about success and failures. Have you ever encountered such situations in life? Most of us have gone through these moments, and so, here I am sharing some thoughts which came to my mind when I had faced such a situation. “Celebrate your life with all its liveliness️️ — Aswathy

I Will Fight Back

Have you ever ignored your emotions or feelings regarding anything you were passionate about? What if those feelings had life and they talked to you? Embrace yourself with all your heart and let your true self be revealed just the way you are. Be your true self and see the amazing miracles happening in your life. “Let’s fight back not with the demons around us but the deadliest fears craving within us. The immense power of love is what we all are in need to redefine our very true nature.~ Aswathy Ragesh”

Intermittent Fasting or No Diet: What Works for You?

In our daily routine, what we eat matters a lot. Each person has their interest in food and nutrition. Some are involved with exercise, some with healthy foods of low calories, and some are in the middle of fasting. Among these, fasting is very commonly known to all as the period where we restrict ourselves from having food and hydrates. Well, recently many proven studies have shown some amazing facts on fasting as a means for weight loss without following a strict schedule.


There are beautiful thoughts within all of us that know how amazing we truly are. Sometimes, we do try to neglect that spark by prioritizing others opinions and thoughts. Well, that is not required at all. We all are different and unique just the way we are. This is the most important fact that we have to accept for ourselves. Prioritize the voice of your heart and let it guide you in this awesome journey of life. This universe falls in love with a stubborn heart and it has already been in me,